Writing news- Winter and Ghost in the Park

Winter, my post-apocalyptic short story has been accepted by Das Krakenhaus Publishing, and will appear in their book The End of the World as We Know It in the spring. Yay for me! I’m very excited that it’s been accepted, and I look forward to seeing it in print. Fellow writer’s, check out their webpage for submission rules. Readers, you can enjoy Winter right now by clicking on the “My Writing” tab at the top of the page.
The second wave of query letters for my supernatural thriller, Ghost in the Park, is underway. Writing query letters sucks as much as ever. It’s nice to have a small publishing credit to add to my query, but it still sucks. I’m doing even more research on the agents before I query, so it’s taking more like 45 minutes per letter, rather than my previous 30 minutes. I started late last night, and I’ve managed 8 so far. I received one immediate form rejection. Not surprising, as it was with one of the big boys. But, hey, it doesn’t hurt to try. I’ll keep you all updated with my query progress. So far, I’ve sent out 39 queries, received 2 requests for a full manuscript, 1 request for a partial, and 9 rejections, mostly very kind, non-form letter responses. No offers for representation yet, but I will continue to hope! I’ve still got many letters to send.
I did a little writing analysis app just for fun. The result follows. I wish it was true, but alas, silly apps can’t really analyze writing. It was still silly fun to do!

I write like
Jane Austen

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

Keep reading and writing everyone!

Gatlinburg, TN

Gatlinburg, TN

About JulianneQJohnson

I am a writer in Indiana who lives with two cats, two ferrets, and one fiance. I enjoy cheap coffee and expensive chocolate.
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